Reason And Common Sense
REASON AND COMMON SENSE REASON AND COMMON SENSE AN INQUIRY INTO SOME PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY by R. G. MAYOR with a Preface by SIR DESMOND MACCARTHY, L. L. D. ROUTLEDGE KEGAN PAUL LTD Broadway House, 68-74 Garter Lane London NOTE ROBERT GROTE MAYOR died in 1947, leaving Reason and Common Sense in typescript. It is here printed in an abridged form, which has been prepared and edited by J. P. Corbett, Fellow and Jowett Lecturer in Philosophy, Balliol College, Oxford, and E. Oilman, Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy, Manchester University. PREFACE ROBERT MAYOR RBERT JOHN GROTE MAYOR, Robin to all his friends, was born in 1869. Both his parents belonged to gifted families. His father was the Rev. J. B. Mayor, Professor at Kings College, London, and the author of a first-rate book on Greek philosophy. Two of his Mayor uncles were also Fellows of St. Johns, Cambridge one was a mathematician, the other that eminent scholar J. E. B. Mayor, who edited Juvenal, became Regius Professor of Latin at Cambridge and according to the Dictionary of National Biography, revelled in classical literature from the age of six. His mother was the niece of George Grote, the author of that History of Greece which for many years remained superior to all others he was also a banker, an important M. P., and an original founder of the first London University, and he was duly buried in Westminster Abbey. His brother, John Grote, won a considerable reputation as a Benthamite, and became Professor of Moral Philosophy at Cambridge. Francis Galton, who collected evidence of ability running in families, would have been interested in Robin Mayors descent. He entered Eton as a K. S. in 1882 and before he left he had won The Newcastle, the prime classical award, and also a scholarship at Kings. To Cambridge he went in 1888. He had been, as might have been expected, happy at Eton, for he was born friendly, modest and cheerful, and he was also athletic. I cannot, however, imagine him glorying much either in re
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