Release Your Kinetic Chain with Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand
Untitled DocumentRelease Your Kinetic Chain with Exercises for the Shoulder to HandThis book can help you recover from injuries to the shoulder, arms, elbow, wrist, and hands. Use the intelligently designed, easy-to-follow exercise routines to rehabilitate, strengthen, and restore the function of muscles from your Shoulders to Hands. Written for the general public, by the internationally best-selling authors of ‘Release Your Pain’, this hard-copy book features 270 pages of information, illustrations, and exercises.HOW CAN THIS BOOK HELP YOU? People often try to use exercise to resolve conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis, hand pain, wrist pain, arm pain, or shoulder pain. However, poorly selected exercises can actually aggravate the problem! In fact, many exercises can actually cause new injuries.This book focuses on giving you carefully constructed exercise routines that progressively increase muscular endurance, improve neurological motor control, and address all the key elements of your kinetic chain! Use this books unique 3-phase approach to address all the kinetic chain structures, rather than just the "site of pain". You will: Rehabilitate your body after an injury. Prepare your body for sport or athletic performance training. Work with a "pain-free" zone for the Beginner and Intermediate routines. Use the Advanced routines to transition you into the Performance or Athletic arenas.THE IMPORTANCE OF ACTIVATING YOUR KINETIC CHAINWhats a kinetic chain? Visualize the kinetic chain as a layered, inter-connected, multi-level spider web. In your body, this web is made up of soft-tissue fibers - muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and connective tissue. A knot, break, or dysfunction in any layer of this web impacts all the surrounding connections, as well as the structures in the layers above and below the injured area. Restrictions can form in one or more of these layers
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