Religion And Ceremonies Of The Lenape
CONTENTS PAGE: Preface ................................ 13 CHAPTER I Pantheon .......................... 17 Supreme Being ................. 18 Evil Spirit ..................... 24 Manitowiik of the Four Directions 25 TheSun ....................... 27 The Moon ..................... 28 The Earth ..................... 28 Thunder Beings ................. 29 Keepers of the Heavens .......... 31 Misingh li kiin, or Living Solid Face ........................ 32 Mother Corn ................... 43 CHAPTER I1 Minor Deities ...................... 45 Doll Being ..................... 4.5 Tornado ....................... 47 Snow Boy ...................... 48 Comet ......................... 48 Evil Manitowiik ............... 49 Animal Spirits .................. 49 Plant Spirits ................... 51 Local Genii .................... 51 INDIAN NOTES - - - . - 6 LENAPE PACE CHAPTER CHASPuTrEvR iv 1 a 1 l 1 of the Soul ................. 52 The Soul ....................... 52 The Land of Spirits ............. 52 Ghosts and Mediumship ......... 54 Early Accounts .................. 56 Penn ...................... 56 Brainerd ................... 56 Zeisberger .................. 57 CHAPTER IV Visions and Guardian Spirits ......... 61 . Initiation of Boys ............... 63 Other Visions ...... ............. 64 The Guardian Spirit ............. 65 Favored Individuals ......... 66 . Unami Examples ............ 67 M insi Examples ............ 72 Historical References ........ 77 Brainerd ............... 77 Zeisberger .............. 77 Loskiel ................ 78 Heckewelder ........... 78 Adams ................. 80 CHAPTER V Unami Annual Ceremony ............ 81 The Ixader ..................... 81 Officers ........................ 84 Preparations ................... 85 Ceremony Comnlenced .......... 87 Chiefs Speech .................. 87 Recital of Visions ............... 92 I N D I A N NOTES CONTENTS Conclusion of Rites ............. P A 9 G 6 E Departure of the Hunters ........ 97 Prayer for
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