Scrum is a brilliant tool. Very fun to look at and test but when used in frustration it only comes into its own. As all tools, particularly the best ones, the more you use it the more you become the defter and more expert. Work makes better, which is helpful because Scrum is built on a repetitive loop structured intentionally to ensure that they perform the same valuable tasks before they are of second nature.Perfection is the enemy of growth, so no need to prepare your nth grade Scrum implementation before going off.Inspecting and adjusting, and making gradual changes along the way is much easier. There might also be major items that obviously arent quite right early and need to adjust immediately. Maybe the team position isnt exactly right or anti-Scrum whingers cause too much turbulence. The bigger problems will be fixed over time and a constant flow of smaller, even more manageable fixes will replace them.When you do not make improvements, no matter how slight you make advances, then you miss the point. Often the urge to improve subsides, which results in the embrace of the stagnant status quo. A fear of rocking the boat sometimes prevents even slight changes. Theres a illusion sometimes, almost unbelievably, that things are as good as they are!Come to grips with lifes Scrum loop but never become complacent or acceptant. The set steps along the way are extremely predictable and unvarying in one sense but they are never exactly the same twice in a far more critical manner.THE BASICS OF SCRUM Scrum is an observational perception paradigm at its finest, meaning that insight is derived from real-life experience and that decisions are made on the basis of that experience. Its a way to organize your project- whether its releasing a new smartphone or co-ordinating the fifth-grade birthday party for your daughter - to reveal if your strategy is actually producing intended results. If you need to get things done, scrum offers a system that increases efficiency and
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