Self Help Stories
Want to change your life, but don't know where to begin? This collection of powerful therapeutic stories will help, heal, motivate and inspire your journey to self-improvement and greater happiness.The human brain is hardwired for story, not facts. Allegories, parables, metaphors, anecdotes and fables — the way we learn best is to find the nuggets of wisdom, truth and inspiration tucked inside an unforgettable story. The powerful therapeutic tales in this collection will guide, heal, and motivate your journey to self-improvement and personal growth.Baboons, pumpkins, red kettles, elephants, dandelions, scorpions, sinking ships, rebel planets, and toddlers at the wheel — these fun fables and fascinating tales contain profound lessons to help you lead a healthier, happier and more meaningful life.More than just a collection of inspirational anecdotes, each short chapter comes with:• Questions to challenge and stimulate your thinking about the topic; • A short story with a clear message;• A simple analysis so that you can understand the relevance for your life; • A set of practical action steps and tips which you can follow to make constructive changes in the way you think, feel, behave and relate to others;• A short and sharp takeaway to help you remember the lesson.Reading the stories, absorbing the messages, and implementing the recommended action steps will help you to:• Change your negative, “stinking thinking” to more positive, helpful, constructive ways of thinking;• Learn ways of processing difficult and destructive emotions;• Increase your self-respect and assertiveness;• Boost your motivation to improve your life;• Deal with and let go of bad experiences in the past that still negatively impact on your present;• Cultivate a happier and more positive attitude;• Improve your self-concept and increase your self-esteem;• Understand t
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