SOCIAL EVANGELISM BY HARRY F. WARD NEW YORK Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada 1915 COPYRIGHT, igij, BY , MISSIONARY EDUCATION MOVEMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I WHAT Is SOCIAL EVANGELISM . i II THE IMPERATIVE FOR A SOCIAL EVANGEL . . . . 25 III THE PLACE OF THE INDIVIDUAL . 45 IV NEW TIMES, NEW METHODS . 65 V THE NATURE AND CONTENT OF THE MESSAGE . . . . 91 VI WHAT ABOUT THE RESULTS . 131 WHAT IS SOCIAL EVANGELISM THE social movement of our time is deeply influencing the life of the Church. Every department of religious activity gives evidence of being touched by it. It is in the field of evangelism that its trail is faintest Here its main work is yet to be done. The activities and propaganda which have recently been organized in the churches under the head of Social Service are often con trasted with the evangelistic function of the Church as though they were inherently an tagonistic or mutually exclusive. This is largely because the terms social service and evangelism are both overworked. One has long been and the other is fast becoming a SOCIAL EVANGELISM house of refuge for the crowd that cry Lord, Lord, but do not the things that I say. The shibboleth is shouted but the deed remains undone, the fact unaccomplished. The crowd prefers the easy enthusiasm of the bleachers to the stern struggle of the field, would rather cheer the embarking regiment than seek the enlisting office. When the Church actually labors at the tasks of evangelism and social service, they are found to be interdependent. Social service is found to have definite evangelistic values, and evangelism to have genuine social worth. In fact, a social evangelism appears. The social service movement is far from being the superficial propaganda described by its superficial critics. It does not propose to make the Church a mere agent for social reform. Its purpose is the regeneration of the social order, and it promotes reforms only as they are
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