From the three-time #1 bestselling author Chris J. Reed, “the only CEO with a Mohawk!” comes his latest book, Social Selling Mastery for Entrepreneurs. Whether you have heard the phrase “social selling” but don’t know what it entails, or you have been trying to socially sell for years, this book will give you worthwhile insights, actionable advice, and secrets of the trade that Chris has learned in his ongoing career as a global social selling guru.You see, Chris himself used social selling to create Black Marketing, the world’s most recommended LinkedIn marketing agency, and Chris continues to rely on social selling for his business to thrive. Chris is the world’s most recommended LinkedIn marketing masterclass instructor, entrepreneur and founder with 650 LinkedIn recommendations, triple LinkedIn marketing bestselling author, and the only entrepreneur or LinkedIn speaker on the site who is an Official LinkedIn Power Profile seven years running.CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders seek Chris out to gain support with their personal branding, social media presence, employer branding and social selling. In sharing his lessons learned and social selling dos and don'ts, Social Selling Mastery for Entrepreneurs offers an invaluable learning opportunity not to be passed up! In Social Selling Mastery for Entrepreneurs, Chris explains how you, as a business owner and entrepreneur, a CEO, a CMO, or a sales or marketing professional can master social selling. Chris also lays out how LinkedIn, the only business-focused global social media platform, offers an ideal platform for social selling.With LinkedIn's range of tools at your disposal for building your brand, releasing content, and connecting you with its 600 million-plus business professional users, Chris teaches you how to harness all LinkedIn offers so that you can build your own social selling machine and keep it going at high speed for years to come.
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