Spitting Teeth
Dear reader,Skimmer,Finger licker,Page flicker,Before you peep and peruse,I ask you one thingFor me, these words, when typed and printed are flat and too smooth.They belong with your lips, your teeth and tongue.Roll them around and savour each one.Take big bites, or nibble at edgesTaste the hard hitting T’s, and those delicious S’s,Above all, please, feel those vibrations in your throatI hope they reach your bones and the tricky corners of your mind.It is those small powerful ribbons of sounds shaking through the air that dictates history, thatstart and end wars, that express love, that can cut or can heal.Do not underestimate them.They are the true poetry, the rest, just ink.Four outstandingly talented authors, who have all carved their names into legend on the microphone, are cementing themselves into print here and now in the Paroxysm Press anthology SPITTING TEETH.ASHLEE KARLAR, ALISON PARADOXX, CHIARA GABRIELLI and NICO.Add to this some quite amazing cover art from RED WALLFLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY.
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