Star Crossed Serpent Vol II
Following on from the groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the Weaver Herself. Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the seeds planted by previous workers of the lineage. Guided and inspired by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and mental detective work. Concepts and core principles of our Mythos and Praxis reveal a shift of awareness and a Perennial Philosophy. This is an ecumenical gnostic current that has revealed a deeper understanding of our work and its obligations, both to ourselves and to our ancestors.Discussed here are subtle treasures unearthed within a rich heritage of folklore, myth and legend. Overarching paradigms that include the Egregore, Clanship, Mysticism and Luciferianism. These essays build upon the former volume, expounding a vibrant dramatic aegis. Here find a new voice to herald the eternal paean, the Song of the Beloved: Promethean gnosis of the Star Crossed Serpent.ContentsIntro: The Ring Troth of Cain1. The Archers Song2. Brimstone & Treacle3. The Faith of the Wise4. The Stang5. The 4th Nail6. Dark Aegipan and Pale Leukothea7. Cain and Craft Diversity8. Cain, Clanship and the Egregore9. Patterns of Transformation: the Alchemy of Being10. The Poison ChaliceEpilogue
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