Study Guide - Student Edition - Ye shall be as gods - Humanism and Christianity - The Battle for Supremacy in the Ameri
The purpose of writing Ye shall be as gods was to diagnose and illuminate the causes of the cultural disquiet that is and has been pervasive in American life for the last half century. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the source of the anger, frustration, and sense of helplessness as Americans see the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which the nation was founded come under relentless attack in the institutions of American life. The value and purpose of the Study Guide is to distill those fundamental and compelling truths that were the basis of the American cultural vision. The Study Guide will: •Give an understanding of the tenets and tactics of humanism and the failure of the humanistic worldview to answer the basic questions of life.•Equip Christians with definitive answers in the battle of worldviews as they work toward renewing and restoring culture. •Increase faith as the reader understands the Bible is the source for the infallible truth of God for all of mankind and for all time.•Provide prescriptive remedies necessary to counteract humanisms unrelenting assault on the American cultural vision. The Study Guide may be used by groups or individuals. The Teacher Edition provides questions and answers. The Student Edition provides questions with space to answer. Both editions give the page numbers of the book where answers may be found to the questions posed. Quotations and sources of other reference material used in the Study Guide will be found in the book on the reference pages associated with the question and are not reproduced in the Study Guide.
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