 It is true that super foods  or herbal must be able to fortify, help, support and help the body.I learned that the extraordinary qualities of herbs and superfoods are truly our forgotten foods. And because of their unusual or pungent tastes and smells, we have historically denied them. This was also due to our poor knowledge of their use and because they have been eliminated as a food source.In this book youll learn how to:Boost immunityReduce inflammationRestore and maintain gut healthEncourage mental focus and mood balanceSupport gentle detoxThankfully, and more recently, there has been a greater interest in these lost and forgotten foods on the world stage. And in this title, we will discover a fantastic list of herbs and superfoods, the benefits and scientific evidence, the disadvantages and precautions, how to use them, the taste. wu, velvet horns, reishi mushrooms, goji berries, astragalus root, cinnamon, gotu kola, acai berries and many, many more!Remember, over time, our bodies build up poisons and store food waste that isnt completely eliminated. It is the raw food that helps us detoxify the body, excreting these poisons and putting us back on the road to promoting more energy, clearer skin, shinier hair and also a leaner and more natural figure. In this book, you will gain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your health. This is an invaluable and easy to follow guide for healthy eating for everyone. It offers an easy to follow guide on how to ensure you can consume a good mix of nutrients to aid well-being.This book is available straight to your web-browser with one click. Buy It !!
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