The Boobies (and that nasty thing called cancer)
Ceara Hayden's book The Boobies is a lighthearted and informative story about breast cancer. Her quirky and witty rhymes convey this serious disease in a way that is accessible to young adults and grown-ups alike.Based on her own experience of her mother's diagnosis, Ceara's story brings warmth, hope (and a little humour) for those suffering or watching a loved one suffer from this devastating illness. "In the UK...1 in 8 women will be affected by Breast Cancer in their lifetime.1,000 will die from it every month.But... survival rates are increasing every day.  And this is due to better awareness, screening and treatment.What follows is a story of optimism and survival.  Whilst this is not everyone’s outcome, with your help - it can be.So... Give your boobies a hug.  Check them.  Feel them.  Then tell others to do the same*."All profits from this book will be donated to the breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel.  
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