Would You Love To Become An Author?It Is Time to Get The Book Within You, Out?The brand-new book from Emily Gowor, 5th time published author and Founder of Gowor International Publishing, will guide you step-by-step to achieve your goal of becoming a published author! Revealing a lifetime of personal experience and a deep love of writing combined with over 7 years of professional track-record working in the space of books, blogs, articles, and more, The Book Within You is packed with Emilys genius and insights on how to successfully start, write and finish your masterpiece. Some of the many topics explored in this book include: •Uncovering your vision as an Author•Why your doubts are actually the questions a best-selling author asks•The 5 Step Process of Book Creation •Identifying your Author Style •The Keys to Great Writing•Winning the War on Writers Block•Titles, Subtitles, Covers and moreThe Book Within You is a masterpiece within itself - it will deeply inspire you to put pen to page. This book has been written for the entrepreneur who wants to raise their credibility in the marketplace and the creative writer who aspires to pour their heart, soul and messages onto the many pages of a book (or books!). Regardless of which category you find yourself in (which very well may be both), this book promises to be the perfect book to help you write your book.
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