The Chipmunka Anthology (Volume Four)
Description: Manic Love Poems 1984This book of poetry is the only creative thing I have ever produced. The poems are simple, childlike and not very profound, but they are from the heart and mind of a young girl who fell in love with someone she shouldnt have fallen in love with (to quote The Buzzcocks). But what I thought was love was probably the start of my illness, bi polar. Although the highs I get seem to feel very much like love to me. I hope they inspire people to believe in something good even though the world is full of bad things. Description: My experiences of a failed MarriageGerrys straightforward and descriptive book is the sad but true story of his emotional breakdown. Things began to go wrong for Gerry when he introduced his wife to the internet. Gerry lost his wife to internet chatrooms, he subsequently lost his job as his life spiralled out of control, culminating in several suicide attempts. Despite all of his problems Gerry has reinvented himself, he has combated his fear of women and rejoined the world of work. Gerrys remarkable ability to pull himself back from the brink of despair is an inspiration to all. This book describes the steps that Gerry took to put his life back on track, as such this is a valuable book for anybody else who needs help recovering from a breakdownDescription: My rainbow JourneyPart poetry collection, part autobiography and self-help book My Rainbow Journey is an account of Melanies experience of bi-polar. Melanies poetry is vivid and imaginative, her autobiography is instructive and education. Melanie has also included a short guide which is is aimed at fellow sufferers. An interesting and varied book, there is something here for everyone.
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