The Conspiracy Realist
The war on drugs is a method of control.  The war on Terror is an illusion that became reality. The new war is the war on awareness. Were you even aware? It's hard to feed the good world when everyone is regurgitating the food they shouldn't have feed to their bad wolves. How many people live paycheck to paycheck but nobody knows because of the wall of shame they hide behind.  Milk and bread used to cost 25 cents each.  I can't even find the cents symbol on this new A.I. device that was paid for with Federal Reserve note$. What's the difference between an Alien, a Ghost, telepathic messages, dreams, a multidimensional being and our imagination?  The perception of the one hearing the story, based off of the emotions and expressions of the one telling it, plus their street credit.  Like that telephone game we played as a child. Now, this old timers multidimensional experience from the Military has become a "paranormal" experience that Hollywood programed us to laugh at, plus he's like a zombie on all those pharmaceutical drugs.
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