The Cycle of Growth
THE CYCLE OF GROWTH CONTAINS NEW CONCEPTS NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE.The main principle of The Cycle of Growth is that all cyclic processes, no matter how many stages we split them into, are manifestations of the same Whole. When we compare the Cycle of Growth with seeming different areas of study there is remarkable correspondence.The book compares traditional philosophic and esoteric teachings with some of the latest discoveries in Psychology and Science - the most important being the discovery of the Transcendent Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the now accepted story of Evolution beginning with The Big Bang , the modern scientific use of Number Zero - which was not recognised in earlier history. We also considers insights given by the trance medium Edgar Cayce - who also gave verifiable information about people he never met. This also reconciles differences when authorities on a subject disagree.ASTROLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY*- Ancient philosophy did not include knowledge of the psychological concepts that are available to everyone today, although it was present in symbolic form. We also recognise that , as with the Hunter Gatherer, the mental psychology was different to that of today because the Jungian Thinking Function has developed from the general public access to Reading, Writing, and Mathematics - which are also relatively new subjects.*- It is becoming recognised that our experiences in the womb affect our later life. When we compare the Astrological Logarithmic Timescale of a human lifetime from Conception to Death with The Development of Personality stages of Freud, Erikson, and Piaget there is exact correspondence.*- The Logarithmic Timescale also adds a Transcendent Octave which gives rise to evolutionary development.*- The planet Uranus clearly relates to the Jungian psychological concept of The Individuation Process.*- Now in The Age of Aquarius, we can use recent historical discoveries to understand the other Zodiac Ages.THE TARO
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