The Fountain of Youth Is Just a Breath Away
The Fountain of Youth is Just a Breath Away; Breathing Exercises for Relaxation, Health and VitalityLearn self-healing and stress reduction through proper breathwork.Experts say 80% of us are breathing incorrectly and dont know it. You can increase your energy and heal your body more quickly by learning to breathe correctly and incorporating breathing exercises into your daily routine. This book can show you how. Learn how to breathe correctly for maximum healthBest-selling author Andrew Weil, M.D. says, If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to learn how to breathe correctly. This book can get you started on self-healing with breathing exercises. Research indicates healthy aging is dependent on strong respiratory capacity. Read about the research that shows lung capacity decreases as we age unless we pro-actively work to avoid it. The breathing exercises in this book will help you achieve healthy respiratory capacity. With clear descriptions, this book teaches how anyone can start a breathwork practice. Healthy breathing is a first step to mindfulness and meditationIf youve always wanted to meditate, but dont know where to start, breathing exercises, chanting and toning are the practical first step, as they can help to put the body into a calm, peaceful step. This book will show you how. Learn how to reduce your stress and balance your emotionsThis book will teach you easy breathing exercises designed to help your body and mind relax. For those of you who find smoking relaxing, the reason is most likely the fact that you take slow deep inhales and exhales as you smoke. Learn how to breathe without the cigarette and the relaxation and health benefits will astound you! Enhance your spiritual practiceIn many ancient spiritual traditions the term for breath and spirit are used interchangeably. This book will show you why. Learn how the bodys energy centers [chakras] impact o
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