The Industrial State, 1870-1893
PREFACE This Centennial History has been written at the earnest solicitation of my personal friends, Frank Gilbreth, County Superintendent of Schools, and Frank Hooper, Circuit Judge of this Judicial District. The only reward they offered me was the pleasure to be derived from a siege of hard work, during a siege of extremely hot weather. I feel sure that these gentlemen, who have the best interests of their constituents at heart, and knowing my aversion to labor from the standpoint of personal experience, would not have requested me to do this thing unless it was for the benefit of the community. If this book should be found to have merit, the credit should be given to these gentlemen. If it appears, in attractive dress, the Publisher should share this credit. Its defects, which are many, will be charged to me. ,Acknowledgment is made to Mrs. R. F. Rarr, Marion ICarr, John H, Francis, Gurdon S. Hubbards utohigrah, Iroquois county Times- Democrat and Beckwiths History of Iroquois County, for some of the data which has been found available. Very respectfully, Iroquois, Illinois, August, 1018. I have been requested to prepare a brief introduction to the following contribution to the local history of Iroquois count.. It is my pleasure that I do so. The author, for many years, has resided in one of the most historic places in northern and eastern Illinois, and is especially fitted to write of the subject of which he treats....
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