The Myth of the Level Playing Field
The Myth of the Level Playing Field examines the idea prevalent in American culture that all Americans have a level playing field and an equal opportunity for success. It describes the essential elements of life in order to decide if there is, indeed, equal access to nutritious, affordable food; to affordable, quality healthcare; top life without risk to safety or liberty; to quality education; to affordable, safe housing; and to legal ways to make a living to support a decent lifestyle. The author, Jerry Fowler, analyzed these elements, pointing out common themes and drawing conclusions and thus recommending changes in public policy, legal philosophy, political behaviors, popular attitudes, personal responsibility, and political ideology. This book offers psychological insights as well as political and economic analysis.Any reader that suspects that the game is rigged will have those suspicions validated. Those who think that all that is required for success is hard work and persistence will come to see the fallacy of this idea. This book will generate discussion and increase awareness of the system’s inequities, foster compassion for those less fortunate, and entice them to vote for significant change in American society. 
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