The Population Of Great Britain
THE POPULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN This series of studies, of which the present volume is the first, is issued by the Research De partment of The London Press Exchange Ltd., as a contribu tion to the factual background of post-war problems affecting British industry and commerce, and the distribution of British products. no ST. MARTINS LANE LONDON - W. C. a THE POPULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN CURRENT TRENDS AND FUTURE PROBLEMS MARK ABRAMS PUBLISHED FOR THE LONDON PRESS EXCHANGE LTD BY GEORGE ALLEN UNWIN LTD 40 MUSEUM STREET W. C. i CONTENTS I THE PRE-WAR SITUATION The nineteenth century 7 The measurement of population growth, p. 9 Death rates, p. 9 Migrfajtfn, jx ity Birth rates and repro duction rates 1 1 Changes since the eighties 13 The importance of age composition 4 Economic measurement of population 16 II THE WAR PERIOD i III POST-WAR PROSPECTS 21 IV CONSEQUENCES, CAUSES AND REMEDIES . . 23 Some economic consequences, p. 2 5 Employment prospects inparticular occupations, p. 26 effects on taxation, p. 28 effects on the trade cycle 28 Some suggested causes, p. 30 Changes in fecundity, p. 30 changes in nuptiality, p 3 changes in social values and interests 3 The economics of parenthood 33 Some suggested remedies, p. 34 Laissez-aller, p. 34 repressive measures, p-35 positive measures, p. 36 child allowances 37 The limitations of child allowances 39 V THE FUTURE SOME ESTIMATES 41 Appendix i The new birth and marriage statistics . 46 Further reading 5 POPULATION TRENDS 1911 1961 15 ,8 ii 1111 1938 1946 1951 -1961 THE PRE-WAR SITUATION IN the summer of 1939 the estimated population of Great Britain i. e., England, Wales and Scotland was 46,467,000. In terms of the worlds total population that was hardly a substantial figure it constituted less than three per cent, of the globes inhabitants and as a national total was exceeded by at least half-a-dozen other units China, India, U. S. S. R., U. S. A., Japan and ESTIMATED POPULATIONS Germany. DECEMBER, 1938 U. S. S. R. U. S. A.
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