The Vanishing Sunday School
Reported Missing: Vanishing Sunday Schools. Who is the Culprit? Shocked! Surprised! Disappointed! Sad! If your Sunday School classes have vanished or is on the brink of vanishing, there is a solution to stop the disappearing classes and revive them by teaming up with Evangelism and Growth plans and a few simple changes. It is unbelievable how many classes have completely vanished and disappeared. These classes that were originally set up to study and show thyself approved unto God a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth, but is no longer happening, leaves an emptiness in the congregations ability to be able to expand and study the Word of God. There is no substitution or replacement for studying His Word together. When I hear that classes are no longer offered, it leaves a lump in my throat and a dull ache in the pit of my stomach. It is like hearing that a beloved family member has passed. Where is the genuine regret or sorrow that this decision has taken place in so many of our churches? A hollow place will remain in the hearts of many people who cherished these classes. Who will teach us? How will we grow?
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