Thriving in a Toxic World
Thriving in a Toxic World will give the reader powerful insights into understanding how to achieve lasting health and vitality. In this book, you will learn the strategies that allow you to understand the difference between fantasy and reality when it comes to true health, and why most diet plans are doomed to fail. Quick fixes do not work but the selling of this illusion is a multi-billion-dollar industry.This book takes the complex nutritional minefield and chunks it down into very easy to do pieces that allow the reader to implement one of the fastest ways to regain and maintain their health. Incredible health and vitality is our birthright, and the entire allopathic healthcare system is designed to make huge profits for the people who administer it. This is usually done to the detriment of the patient who usually ends up getting the costliest treatment and not the most healing one.We live in a world where very powerful corporate interests get to determine government policy and sadly our best interests are rarely if ever considered. The US political system also encourages and actively promotes the bribery of its government officials. The people that are supposed to regulate these corporations and who are entrusted to ensure our safety and best interests have been captured. This corruption has been given a nice name called Lobbying [State Supported Bribery]. The bribery industry spends $9bn annually in its desire to rig the system, so that it can change, remove, amend, alter or write any law that suits their outcome or agenda. 
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