Ultimate Communication Secrets


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CHANGE YOUR WORDS TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD Gandhiji said "Be the change you want to see in world”.I believe that when we change our words we can change our world. How do I mean that?Parents, teachers, relatives, neighbours and everyone around us talk to us and teach us how to talk to other people. But very rarely does anyone teach us, how to talk to ourself. And the way we learn automatically - is that really healthy?We talk to ourselves all of the time, without even realizing it. And most of what we tell ourselves is negative, full of self-doubt, with a 'can’t do it’ thinking, feeling not good enough, and has harmful ideas of not taking responsibility, which hold and prevent us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful life.How then can we turn this around to change our words and create our world which is a desirable place with desirable results? We have two worlds - a conscious and a subconscious world. Our conscious world is comprised of our language and what we know. And this conscious knowledge / awareness is only 10% of our mind's full potential.Our subconscious world on the other hand is the remaining 90% of our mind, that runs on automatic commands, which we are unaware of. The subconscious mind starts forming from conception, and is like a collective storehouse of all the positive and negative expressions that we are ever exposed to in our lifetime. Sadly, majority of the data is negative.And that is why, we need to re-program the subconscious mind to eliminate it's limitations and increase it's possibilities.In this book, Hamesh will show you step-by-step, how to: • Build your unconscious mind and make it work for you rather than against you• Identify and eliminate your automatic negative self-talk • Talk with your loved one(s), especially with children, if you are a parent or a teacher • How to eliminate negative emotions, anger, hostility, getting upse
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