Throughout Doug Luffborough's young life, he found himself torn between two masters: the selfish and the spiritual. As one of four hardworking children born to a loving and hardworking-albeit disadvantaged-mother, Doug faced learning challenges, hunger, and homelessness, giving in to the temptations of drinking and gang life in order to survive. At the peak of his struggles, Doug recognized that an education would help pull him out of this cycle-for good. Watch Me Rise is a memoir of hope, determination, and eventually a graduate degree from Harvard-and all from someone who was told he was not "college material.""In this book, Doug Luffborough invites readers to share a remarkable and ultimately heartening journey. Prepare to experience a range of emotions as you read this book, including rage, shame, and humiliation as a precursor to compassion, pride, and joy. It is an account of growth and development, the result of which is the emergence of a good man. It is a book worth reading not just because of how it makes you feel, but also because of how it makes you want to be." —George Reed, PhD, Associate Dean, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego"From the moment Doug walks into a room, you can feel his energy and the strength of spirit that he exudes-it is captivating. He is the real deal. Present and action oriented, Doug possesses the ability to remain conscious of his past while not allowing it to define who he is as a person. His openness and honesty invite you in from the moment you meet him. Doug not only survived but also thrived, despite the obstacles that he encountered. Doug's willingness to share his vulnerabilities on a visceral level is one of the qualities that allow him to break down barriers and relate to others in a compassionate and genuine manner. His enthusiastic, caring, charismatic approach was contagious, and it is readily apparent that Doug is a man who holds high standa
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