Weight Loss CookBook
Anyone who tells you that losing weight is easy is either completely out of their mind or trying to sell you something. It is not easy. Losing weight takes TIME, EFFORT, DEDICATION and SACRIFICE. It also takes a lot of knowledge about FOOD, EXCERCISE and what your body needs to maintain a healthy weight.This book will be your EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND SUCCESS PATH to your DREAM PHYSICAL LOOK, maintain a HEALTHY WEIGHT and ENJOY some mouth watering, juicy looking, tummy-feeling-great recipes!We have included the popular:-KETO DIET-PALEO DIET-INTERMITTENT FASTINGAnd so many other popular, modern and classic TIPS & TRICKS for you to really SPEED UP the process of weight loss. You will find all the information you need on each diet for you to choose which you think is right or necessary for you to achieve your goal!This book has been written by a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER with a DECADE OF EXPERIENCE. You can find Author profile on Amazon.Authors main goal is to provide the public with ONLY THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE on how to ACHIEVE their weight goal and MAINTAIN THAT GOAL without paying £60 a hour for Personal Training with him, so ELVIS has really tried to use simple friendly language we can all understand and implement into our daily life and increase quality of life for our families.In this book, you will find RECIPES to help you lose weight the healthy way! You will find a NUTRITIONAL BREAKDOWN of what you are about to eat and how to PREPARE and COOK it the right way. You will be informed about HOW MANY CALORIES you are consuming. After reading the book, you will UNDERSTAND about how your body BENEFITS from each recipe. We really get specific, accurate and tasty!With this book, you will have access to EIGHTY amazing recipes (you can enjoy with your family), that will help your body go from storing good fat and burning bad fat or burning bad fat to building good muscle at the same time. This will depend on you, your goals and or your training!We will help you m
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