You and I- Mothers Memories
A blank book for you to write your own story as a mother and a parent. Fill the empty pages and pass the memory on.Most of us own journals, a lot of them! The majority of them remain empty and forgotten. Some have a few pages full, but that is about it. Our days seem so mundane and unremarkable that after a short while we are pretty sure that no one would ever be interested in what we did and how we did it. Yet sometimes we read a forgotten page and gasp, and laugh …“Rossi went skiing for the first time… ” She was just 3… Nothing really, but makes you feel different in a very special way. You read it to your, now all grown up daughter, and for a brief moment you are back there – young and full of plans to conquer the world, to be a super mom and super professional at the same time.I do not want to offer you another journal to be forgotten in a dusty cupboard. I want you to write your story as a mother and a parent. Your happiness and sadness, frustrations and triumphs can be a source of strength for those that come behind, regardless how talented of a writer you are.I offer you a blank book without guidance or structure - make it your own. Fill as much as you feel like then pass it on so your children to add their story.It has been made sturdy and worthy of bumping and keeping.My own mother is battling advance cancer at the moment and I have to face the possibility of a life without her. She never spoke much or told us a story. She seemed happy to stay in silence and care for us without any consideration for her own comfort at any point.I wish she had written her story. Sometimes is easier to write than to say things. I know that she was an orphan.” I hate my memories, there was nothing but struggle there…” she would say when I pressed her sometimes to tell me about herself. Now when my own children are almost grown up I would have loved to know how it was to be a parent when you do not know what pa
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