A Single Girls Guide to IVF
A Single Girl’s Guide to IVF is a hilarious memoir of a career-driven woman who decides to become a mom in a rather unconventional way.  She finds her sperm donor on Tinder and falls in love with him despite her internal struggle. Her overprotective ex-boyfriend/best friend/business partner tries to be her voice of reason, to which she never listens.  She manages the endless appointments, testing, injections, medications, vitamins and exploring every old wives’ tale of fertility. This is a story of love. Falling in love, loving yourself, and creating unconditional love.This is the ultimate guide EVERY woman should read about understanding the nature and scope of her fertility.  It covers critical topics such as treatment options (the good the bad and the cost associated with each), the must-know questions you need to be asking, fertility drugs and the TRUE side effects you can expect. Where and how to get fertility loans, grants, and discounts on medication. Why you should freeze your eggs sooner than later. Pros and cons of PGD/PGS testing, and key points in your legal agreements. Why acupuncture will be your savior plus specific vitamins to help with egg and sperm quality. It also includes an essential glossary of fertility-based words, and much much more.
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