Chetana yoga is at the frontier of personal and globaltransformation, and Dr. Rajah Sekaran is its foremostpioneer. In Beyond Mind, Dr. Sekaran offers the next stepin human evolution as an antidote for mental frustrations, aswell as for anger, anxiety, and stress management. Hehas developed the Milela theory to explain howawareness is inherent in the all-pervasive life energy andhow this evolution is urgently needed for survival.Incorporating everything from meditation and philosophy tomedical science and quantum physics, this revolutionarytheory kick-starts your progression into a new age ofconsciousness—one where the seemingly natural limitationsof your mind are overcome by achieving pure awareness.Moving from a mind-based life to an awareness-basedlife is not only an absolute necessity but a possibility withBeyond Mind, which invites you to gain a deeper understandingof all dimensions of the self. It’s a blueprint built on proofthat awareness is beyond the mind that can be used for apersonal and spiritual growth that will radiate far beyond yourown mind and body, potentially ushering in a paradigm shiftfor all humankind. From chakras and mindfulness to electronsand stress hormones, Dr. Sekaran connects ancient wisdomwith modern science to create a straightforward path towardunlimited awareness.Part of the inspiration for this book was the realization that, with new discoveries in the field of quatum physics, ancient spiritual beliefs may hold answers to some of modern science's deepest unanswered questions.
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