Companion Workbook
This is a Companion Workbook to Compass: The Journey of the Soul from Egypt to the Promised Land.I decided to create a workbook to provide a sacred space where you can delve more deeply into the work and lessons learned in each stage of spiritual development. The Compass Companion Workbook will help you to determine what stage of spiritual development you are at in the different areas of your life. It will also provide you with an opportunity to observe your conscious and unconscious mind. This will be done as a result of answering the Reflection Questions and by performing Activities that will further engage you in meaningful spiritual work. You have a space where you can journal about the inner happenings that occur on your journey of the soul. To be able to communicate your experiences through words in each stage of spiritual development will benefit you by making the journey seem more concrete to you. You will take a journey of the soul more than once in different life areas such as work, relationships, etc. You will learn many lessons that you will later forget when you are in subsequent stages of spiritual development. Lessons that you have forgotten you will have to repeat. Having a journal that chronicles the lessons you learn in each stage of spiritual development will keep you from having to relearn all of them, since you can revisit them here.I know how most people feel about workbooks-including me: we do not like them. Why? They require us to work! However, you are now aware that you are on a journey of the soul-doing the necessary work to evolve can no longer be avoided. This companion workbook will serve as an internal barometer to your thoughts and feelings to help you evolve.
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