Curing the Incurable With Holistic Medicine
In a world where most symptoms are suppressed using drugs, it is no surprise that most chronic, degenerative diseases are considered as incurable. This book will help you to identify the main causes of your incurable disease, understand its pathogenesis (where it began and how it evolved) and what you must do to begin reversing these causative factors. This is the approach of Holistic Medicine - working on all levels of the body, physical, environmental, nutritional, energetic, psychological, emotional, as well as spiritual to allow the body in its innate wisdom to cure itself. The book contains over 750 scientific references to put Holistic Medicine into the Evidence-based scientific category, along with fifteen case histories of real people that have been diagnosed with incurable disease.Dr. Georgious grasp of the concept of holistic medicine is truly profound. He provides the reader with exceptionally effective tools that cannot only prevent illness but also cure even the most serious conditions without causing harm. His astute insights into the workings of the mind and soul, and how they impact the health and happiness of a person, are stunningly life-transformative. A must-read for every layperson and health practitioner alike. Andreas Moritz, bestselling author and practitioner of integrative medicine (USA), www.ener-chi.comBased on Dr. Georgious long clinical and research experience, he has presented a Holistic Model of curing even incurable diseases, without expensive medication and surgery. The book explains the root causes of disease and does not simply deal with suppressing the symptoms. He also looks at the adverse effects of toxins on our health, which are often difficult to diagnose, and has developed solutions for this. This is a new and effective way of healing many diseases that are common in todays sick society. Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Ibrahim Abouleish, President of Heliopolis University, Alternative Nobel Price Laureate Dr. Geor
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