Defeating Evil - Gods Plan Before the Beginning of Time
This book describes the nature of God; creation and purpose of angels; creation of our physical world (including the original supercontinent); the creation and purpose of mankind; the origin of good and evil, and the fall of mankind; the effects of evil on humanity; the continuing problem of evil throughout history and in our world today; and God’s solution in defeating evil.The primary focus of the book is the nature and necessity of “free will” (freedom of choice); the conflict with “free will,” love, and evil; the defiant nature of mankind; and life on earth as God’s testing ground for mankind. The book answers most of the challenging questions concerning good and evil, and concludes by emphasizing the absolute necessity of making the right choice during life on earth.This book answers these questions: what is the purpose of mankind? did God have a plan for mankind before creation? where did evil come from? did God create evil and why is it still here? and if not, did God’s plan include preserving free will and love (goodness), and defeating evil? If God is sovereign, why doesn’t He do away with evil once and for all? Why is there so much arrogance, immorality, depravity, violence, lawlessness, greed, and idolatry in the world? why did God allow evil to have its way? and will there be an end to evil and wickedness? Is there a purpose for life on earth? and why doesn’t God put an immediate end to pain and suffering? why doesn’t God perform more miracles? and is there an eternal Hell? There are answers to these questions.
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