Good Stuff Ive Learned
There’s nothing ground-breaking in here.Nothing that hasn’t already been discovered by someone else, written about, spoken about, taught, sold, preached. So if you’re looking for NEW, this ain’t the place.If you’re looking for cool stuff that an everyday chick has learned that’s helped bring her happiness, joy, and success, let’s do this.Because me?I’m nothing special. No more special than you or anyone else on the planet. People think I am. They tell me all the time, You’re an amazing woman, Shelly. (How do you even respond to that?)I’M JUST LIKE YOU. Or just not like you, to be exact, because there is no normal. There is no right way to be or not be.We’re all equally amazing in our uniqueness. We’re all certain amounts of messed up, and that’s all OK too. I’m just little old Shelly, like you’re little old Fru-fru-Pants. AND, while being a regular chicky, I’ve learned some stuff,and it’s freed me.Here’s the good stuff I’ve learned.It's really all in your Head!No, really. All of it.The ability to take control of your life, your emotions, your future, your PAST, it’s ALL IN YOUR HEAD.Life is not about actions, it’s about thoughts.Success is not about actions, it’s about thoughts.HAPPINESS is not about actions, it’s about thoughts.So what? So get therapy.A lot of it.START NOW.<<->>CONTENTS:It’s all in your headVulnerability is stronger than titaniumParenting is hardParenting is especially hard for meAct like you’re in charge, and you areDon’t expect one person to meet all your emotional needsNot everyone needs a hand on the small of their backShame is an a-hole and you can own that bitchCats are a-holes, tooSay thank you to complimentsNerves and self-consciousness are NOT YOUR FRIENDGive. Then give some moreHave boundariesI’m not flighty, naïve, or too sensitiveY
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