Growing, Succeeding, and Winning
Is there really a cure for addiction? The so-called experts will laugh at this question, but I can assure you addiction is no laughing matter. Addiction is now an epidemic that has reached unheard proportions, and while treatment is a wonderful and necessary thing, clearly it is not enough to stem this dreadful disease. Something more has to be offered than just treatment, and yes, that something more is a cure once and for all. My firm stance is such that with any form of effective treatment, getting cured should always be the ultimate goal and eventual outcome. This bold, unorthodox, and empowering book reveals an indisputable and proven cure for addiction while at the same time dispelling the many myths and misnomers of addiction and recovery. This work is a must-read for anyone who is genuinely interested, prepared and ready to grow, succeed and win in life, and overcome any addiction. As a caveat, the information contained in this book can prove a bit controversial, but thats okay as the author understands controversy does not necessarily equate to untruths. If you are an independent thinker, open minded, strong willed, and determined to change the way you look at things so the things you look at will change, then you are sure to appreciate the information contained in these pages.
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