Hegels Logic - An Essay In Interpretation
HEGELS LOGIC- AN ESSAY IN INTERPRETATION by JOHN GEIEE HIBBEN. Originally published in 1902. PREFACE: IN his Logic Hegel has endeavored to incor porate the essential principles of philosophy which in the development of the worlds thought have forced themselves upon mens convictions, and have been attested by a general consensus of opinion. An insight into the Hegelian sys tem means, therefore, a comprehensive and ap preciative grasp of the history of philosophy in the salient features of its progress. The Logic serves also as an excellent introduction to the more specific study of German philosophy which has been most profoundly affected by the writ ings of Hegel, both in the philosophical schools whose doctrines have been grounded confess edly upon Hegelian principles, and also among those which represent a radical reaction against Hegel. Moreover, the system of philosophy as outlined in the Logic is not merely a speculative system of abstract thought, but is at the same time an interpretation of life in all the fulness of its concrete significance. Upon these con siderations, therefore, it is evident that a knowledge of the Hegelian system must prove of inestimable value to the student of philoso phy. Unfortunately the proverbial obscurity of Hegel has deterred many from undertaking a systematic study of his works. It is my con viction that the text of the Logic is self - illumi nating. It has been my endeavor, therefore, to simplify all technical terms and explain their significance in the light of the definitions as given by Hegel himself, and as indicated in the context where such terms severally occur. There has been throughout an attempt to render intelligible the fundamental Hegelian doctrines by means of simple statement and illustration. The method of interpretation has grown out of the belief that the best commentary upon Hegel is Hegel himself. The basis of this exposition has been the Logic of the lEncyldopadie. der phi losophiscJien Wissenscliaften,
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