Living Healthy, Gods Way
Rather than instructing readers on how to actually lose or gain weight, Living Healthy, Gods Way is more a book thats more concerned with Gods way of acquiring a healthy lifestyle.In todays world we tend to worry too much about our health; we desire to live healthy, to lose weight, and some even to gain it. We read books on dieting, enroll ourselves in fitness classes but nothing ever really seems to work. Often we are left feeling miserable, uncomfortable in our own skin, and seemingly locked in an endless battle with ourselves. Many have given up trying and decided to live in their comfortable zones. Did God create us to live an unhealthy lifestyle? Did He create us and assume we would know how to take care of our bodies? If you have tried everything, searched for answers everywhere, only one choice remains - and that is in Living Healthy, Gods Way.Publishers website: http://sbpra.com/AnneMaingi
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