55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 31.95 instead of $ 41.95!Everyone in our lives, sooner or later, at school, but above all in personal relationships and at work, we had the feeling, or even the certainty, of being manipulated.Your Customers Will Never Stop to Use This Awesome BookWe think we are not strong enough and feel useless, imposing in carrying out the various activities; or do we know we are worth the benefits of our work are taken from our leaders?How about stopping being manipulated and starting yourself, too, to be stronger and more self-confident?What do you say if you learn to become a manipulator too? To make yourself respected in the workplace and also in personal relationships?In this book you will learn:- What is manipulation, how to make it become your weapon- How to differentiate the people around you who are manipulating you? How to get rid of them?- How do you sometimes manipulate the people around you? What are the correct techniques?This book will help you free yourself from manipulation and no longer be a victim to people; it will also let you know the best dark psychology techniques to exploit the manipulation in your favor.Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book
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