Nutrition for Weight Loss Surgery Shopping Companion
Are you tired of spending way too long in the supermarket, staring at the endless array of packaged food, with no idea what to put in your trolley?Completely confused by food labels and just don’t know where to start?You can cut the confusion with our Weight Loss Surgery Shopping Companion.Our Weight Loss Surgery Shopping Companion shows you EXACTLY what to look for on the nutrition information panel for the following categories of food:Bread, wraps and flat breadCrackers and crisp breadBreakfast cerealPorridge and oatsBreakfast cereal biscuitsMuesli and granolaRice & rice blendsPasta and noodlesDeli and pre cooked meatsSausages, burgers and pattiesFrozen chicken, fish and seafoodTinned fishVegetarian proteinsMilkCow’s milk alternativesYoghurtCottage and cream cheesesIce cream and dairy dessertsOils and spreadsNuts and seedsLiquid breakfastFrozen mealsFresh, ready to heat and eats mealsShelf stable mealsSoupsMuesli barsSavoury snacksDipsProtein barsProtein powdersProtein drinksSauces, condiments and dressingCooking and simmer sauces.It also contains our Top Picks in each of these categories, providing over 180 specific food products that you can confidently add to your trolley.How much time will that save you at the supermarket? Please note the Shopping Companion is based on Australian food products. 
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