Personality, Stress, and Coping
A volume in Research on Stress and Coping in EducationSeries Editors Gordon S. Gates, Walter H. Gmelch, and Mimi WolvertonNearly all chapters in this volume are contemporary original research on personality, stress, and coping ineducational contexts. The research spans primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Researchparticipants are students and teachers. The volume brings together contributions from the United States,Australia, Canada, Italy, Scotland, and Hong Kong. Outcomes of interest in the studies includeachievement (e.g., grades), cognitive processes such as problem solving, and psychological/ emotionalhealth and well-being.The book is divided into two sections. Part I focuses on personality, stress, and coping in children andyoung people and Part II addresses personality, stress and coping among adults. Each chapter isintroduced by an abstract that summarizes the study. Each chapter makes a unique contribution and can stand alone; interested individuals may benefitfrom reading any of the chapters without the necessity of reading others. At the same time, there is frequent content overlap among chapters; manyauthors utilized some of the same measurement devices to assess study variables, and similar or identical variables are studied across chapters utilizingdiverse theoretical perspectives or models. In measuring coping, several chapters used the Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993) anda number of others utilized the COPE scale (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989). Particular personality models or variables were commonly studied.A few chapters investigated the Big Five, two studied self efficacy and two researched implicit theories of personality.
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