Sir Richard Wallace - Le Millionaire Anglais de Paris - The English Millionaire - and The Hertford British Hospital


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Bilingual Parallel text in English and French -- Texte bilingue français et anglais en parallèle.Sir Richard Wallace, who was most probably the illegitimate son of the 4th Marquess of Hertford, inherited a vast fortune including the Château de Bagatelle and the worlds finest collection of 18th Century Art, now the Wallace Collection in London. During the siege of Paris in 1870, he used this fortune to aid the citizens of the city and donated the Wallace Fountains, which are today an integral part of its charm. However his role as a benefactor did not stop there. He founded the Hertford British Hospital for his compatriots, so often without resource in a foreign country. The saga of the Hertford British Hospital is the history of the British community, of royal patronage and the evolution of healthcare, during the turbulent period of Paris from 1876 to the present day.Sir Richard Wallace, qui était sans doute le fils illégitime du 4e marquis of Hertford hérita dune fortune considérable, comprenant notamment le Château de Bagatelle et dune splendide collection dœuvres dart du 18e siècle, devenue La Wallace Collection à Londres. Pendant le terrible Siège de Paris en 1870, il mit sa fortune au service des affamés et il dota Paris de ces fontaines portant son nom : les fontaines Wallace, qui sont maintenant parties intégrantes du charme parisien. En effet son rôle de bienfaiteur ne sarrêta pas là. Il fit construire un hôpital pour ses concitoyens en détresse et sans soutien en France: The Hertford British Hospital.Cette véritable saga du Hertford British Hospital est le condensé de ce qui fut le patronage royal, la vie de la communauté britannique à Paris et limportante évolution de la santé de 1876 à nos jours.Peter Howard was educated at Ampleforth and in Paris, where he spent the major part of his career in the management of British Companies.He has been a trustee of the Hertford British Hospital since 1970, and was chairman of the Management Committee
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