Steroids Stole My Summer
Prepare for the unpredictable. While steroids can effectively treat many conditions, they can have devastating physical and psychological side effects.Ryan had not been sleeping normally for three weeks, due to the overprescribing of steroids from a simple ear infection. Prednisone gave him insomnia, reducing his sleep from nine hours to four hours a night. This led to a manic event, followed by a visit to a crisis center and seventeen days in a behavior center. Ryan was released with a diagnosis of Corticosteroid-induced mania, which had passed after the steroids began to exit his bloodstream, along with an ample amount of sleep. However, the complications to his personal life and employment would last much longer. The cost for the path and treatment that Ryan was led down was over $26,000 and 47 days of well-being, in addition to lost wages that extended far beyond this period.Effective drug monitoring could ensure that harmful side effects are recognized in time to prevent unnecessary disasters. This book highlights the dangers of leaving your care only in the hands of doctors, many of which lack the processes to perform effective therapeutic drug monitoring.In Steroids Stole My Summer, D.P. John tells the real-life story of Ryans summer in a way that everyone can relate to. This story is relevant to many that may have had a sibling, parent, or cousin that has experienced harmful side effects of steroids. The impact of this story is far-reaching, especially in light of current events including the challenges of COVID-19, where steroids are being used in the battle for survival of the sickest patients.
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