Systema Awareness Training
Awareness is often listed as a top requirement for self defence.  However, true awareness goes beyond avoiding dark alleyways! This 220 page book is a guide to developing awareness through our senses of sight, touch, sound and smell. But there is more to awareness than that. It also explains how to improve your sense of balance, develop proprioception  and, most critically learn to hone your intuition. From there you will learn how to apply those skills in situations, how to read body language, how to manage attention and how to  deal with aggressive people.A highly practical book, jam-packed with practical drills and exercises, each fully illustrated, with clear and concise instructions. All based on Systema methods, scientific understanding and personal experience. This is a comprehensive guide to training all aspects of awareness and can easily be integrated with any type of martial arts, combatives or other traininig.CHAPTERSVISUAL AWARENESSHow the Eye WorksStick Catching Drills  Reaction DrillsLow Light Work  Camouflage  TACTILE AWARENESSThe Homunculus  Pushing Drills  Sticky HandsBlindfold WorkUsing EquipmentHEARING & SMELLThe Amygdala  Sound Drills  Moving QuietlyWorking with Smell THE SIXTH SENSESHow Many Senses?  Balance  Pain ControlProprioceptionCross Body Drills          Developing Intuition   PERSON TO PERSONBody Language  The Three Fs  Reptile Brain?            Pacifiers        Eye Access CuesPersonal SpaceThe OODA Loop  Fight IndicatorsMuscle ReadingCold ReadingMisdirectionPickpocketsCHAPTER 7: SITUATIONAL AWARENESSGuidelinesIntegrated Awareness  Positioning  Verbals  Home SecurityImprovised Weapons  Preparing for Violence  CHAPTER 8: C
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