The Heretics Guide to Thelema Volume 1
The Heretics Guide to Thelema Volume 1: New Aeon MagickIn your hands is a new edition of a now classic work from a long-time practitioner of Thelema. It is a expression of his experience in a variety of forms of Thelema and a number of Thelemic institutions. First written as an explanation for the authors young children, this recently corrected and improved version is a unique presentation of Thelema as it is actually lived. It is valuable to us all not because it is right, or orthodox, or for any other reason but that is IS. Thelema needs every form itself to be manifest inorder for its full potential to be realized.Some will object, and thelemically, they are welcome to do so. But theMagi have always learned from Nature and so we must note that althoughNature abhors a vacuum, She hates monocultures: She always and onlydestroys them. Variety and diversity only will strengthen the current ofThelema. As it is said: Success is your proof.Gerald Enrique del Campo is a poet, musician, songwriter, photographer,magician, philosopher, author, and lecturer on occult and religious topics.He was a member of the O.T.O. for 20 years and served as Master ofRPSTOVAL Oaisis and as the Orders Quartermaster. He was also amember of the College of Thelema, Fraternitas Lux Occulta, and TheHermetic Order of QBLH, and was a founding member of the Templeof Thelema. In 1999 he founded the The Order of Thelemic Knights,a Thelemic charitable organization based on the virtues soldiering andchivalry as exemplified by Templarism.Besides New Aeon Magick, Del Campo also wrote New Aeon English QabalahRevealed and the Ethics of Thelema, forthcoming as separate volumesby Concrescent Press as part of the Heretics Guide to Thelema collection.
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