The most difficult problem ever
Das schwierigste aller Go-Probleme, geschaffen von Inoue Dosetsu Inseki (1646 - 1719), ist bis heute von professionellen Go-Spielern nicht gelöst worden. Hat die jahrelange Zusammenarbeit dreier Amateure aus Deutschland und Großbritannien jetzt die Antwort ans Licht gebracht?The most difficult of all Go problems, created by Inoue Dosetsu Inseki (1646 - 1719), has still not been solved by professional Go players. Has the long-standing collaboration of three amateurs from Germany, and the United Kingdom, now found the answer?This book presents the most profound analysis of the famous problem of the Igo Hatsuyoron. It summarizes the early research and reveals the latest findings, apparently destroying the known solutions.Bilingual German/English
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