Trigger Finger Cure


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This is the most detailed, up-to-date comprehensive guide on trigger finger- stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger thumb, locking finger, finger arthritis, video game thumb pain, iPad and smartphone finger pain. This is a must-read guide for anyone suffering with pain in the finger(s).Its clear that classic trigger finger is a predictable mechanical malfunction, but there are so many other reasons the problem can surface, some even tied to diet. Thats an area of particular interest to me as a vegan, and what I read here makes absolute sense. The modern diet, especially in America is a disaster. If our bodies cant get our attention one way, theyll get it another.This is an easily accessible overview of what can be a medically dense subject. Even the proper name for trigger finger, stenosing tenosynovitis is a tongue twister. Without getting into intricate fine points of anatomy, youll discover all about the classic trigger finger in Part I, before expanding that examination in Part II to consider diffuse causes of the condition. Both standard and cutting edge therapies are explained and explored. The standard treatment for trigger finger is, in theory, surgery. When youre done reading this book, Im sure youll agree that surgery should be the option of last resort. This is a thoughtful and useful compendium of practical data on a simple condition that isnt simple at all.The point is well made that we take our hands for granted until they dont work. The case studies are especially compelling, and agree that the anecdotal evidence suggesting a link to vocation or avocation is strong. Given the heavy use of smartphones in our society, I found myself wondering if instances of trigger thumb will continue to rise, with a direct link to texting.
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