Your Actions + What Others Say About You = Your Name (Reputation)This simple formula is the most powerful leverage you have in life. While people tell you not to be concerned about what others think, that advice only goes so far. Today, we have to worry about how we present ourselves, both in person and on social media. Being sure your actions and words represent your good reputation can help you in all facets of your life. There is something appealing about someone who whose actions are consistently in line with their beliefs. When people know that you are a person of integrity who stands by your word, they will back you up, no matter what. Politics and popularity come and go, but men and women of principle remain.If your reputation is not what you’d like it to be, the ideas and concepts presented in Your Name will help you to repair past damage and build a new, powerful reputation for yourself.A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, favor is better than silver and gold.  —Proverbs 22:1
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