A History of Our Emerging Consciousness
As science and technology have advanced, each generation continues to accelerate the rate at which the modern world is being reinvented. This quest for knowledge, often fostered by the best ideas from young minds, feeds the numerous industries created to develop our consumer culture. Environmental damage from tailoring the natural environment to suit new consumer fashions continues with the expansion of agriculture’s attempts to feed the growing global population. Alongside the continuing destruction of the environment, global warming has the potential to derail the runaway train of intelligent design.Considering these looming disasters, it is clear our collective intelligence needs to focus on priorities other than economic growth. Clues to understand current agendas better arise from exploring the legacies past cultures contributed to human intelligence. History and archaeology tell us when new ideas first led to the spread of cultural advances. Like threads, they have been spun and woven into the tapestries of our consciousness, redefining what it can mean to be human. The book A History of Our Emerging Consciousness traces how this result enriched the lives of our ancestors. Looking at the continuum of progress made during past millennia, its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stages introduce us to a process in which we are all participants.The times when these new ideas were introduced are seen to relate to a natural cycle. The early use of the scientific symbols describing this cycle introduced an accurate annual calendar. This clock was invented by projecting onto our annual cycle of starry patterns many of the qualities that describe the cycle of the seasons. A calendar became available to all farmers. Our emerging consciousness is discovered to follow these same symbols. This is shown by their correlation with the survival strategies that have come down to us through the ages. Some still serve us well while others have inextricably le
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