Essays on Philosophy and Physics
On the Path of Good Luck and Bad LuckThere are either of two paths, one can take in life: the path of good luck, or the path of bad luck. Whether making small decisions, big decisions, random choices, or short or long term plans, it is important to remember, that each decision, choice, or plan can lead one on either a path of good luck, or a path of bad luck. The path of good luck is, sometimes, referred to, as the path of milk and honey, where the road is wide open, and free of obstacles and hardships. The path of bad luck is, sometimes, referred to, as the path of darkness and thorns, where the road is narrow and twisted, and full of obstacles and hardships.The most important thing in traveling on any path is to make the right decision, choice, or plan to begin with, as to what path one should travel on, or the gate, or entrance way of which path to enter through, first. We must keep in mind, that once we go through the entrance gate, or once we have established ourselves on one path, it is hard, and, sometimes, even impossible, to leave that path to enter into, and travel on another path. This is, especially, true if the path, we are traveling on, or we have just entered, is the path of bad luck. Once we have entered through the entrance gate of the path of bad luck, we know, there is no turning back, or, at least, little reward, or repenting of our sins.The path of good luck is the easiest path from which to enter onto other paths, or from which to enter through the entrance gate of almost any other path. This is because the path of good luck is the path from which all other paths lead. Once we are on the path of good luck, it is possible to turn right or left onto any path, or go straight ahead on the same path if we have already set a final goal, and have met no obstacles. It is even possible to go backwards on the path of good luck, because the road is open, and wide, and there are no obstacles. That is, one can go backwards on2the path of good luck wi
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