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Sa?kara is one of those great souls who - like Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus and others - appear on this planet from time to time, to propound Principles of a universal order and to act as precise and steadfast reference points. Sa?kara dedicated his short but intense life (788-820) to the noble aim of revivifying the Vedic tradition in a time of confusion and crisis, and he achieved the greatest synthesis and harmonisation of the whole of Indian philosophical thought. In presenting this book, Short Works, that  include  some of the  many prakara?as (Treatises) and stotras (Hymns) composed by Sa?kara or attributed to him, our decision was to let the verses speak for themselves. However, we have left those commentaries which present aspects of the Teaching that might be unknown to the readers who meet Sa?kara for the first time. The Treatises explain, from a philosophical and metaphysical perspective, some of the expressions found in the Upani?ads. A good example is the atmabodha, a significant text which comprises the fundamental principles of Advaita (Non-duality) and constitutes an introduction for all who wish to comprehend this Teaching. In this work Sa?kara shows how knowledge/vidya of a metaphysical order is the means par excellence for freeing us from the ignorance/avidya concerning the nature of Being.Noteworthy is the Introduction to Vakyav?tti, in which are expounded, with a terminology appropriate to Western Philosophy, the principles of traditional Metaphysics, so as to provide a reading key for understanding the essential teaching of Non-duality, the foundation of all Sa?kara work.The best-known Hymns in the collection include Sivoham, in which Sa?kara, following the manner of the Sages of the Upani?ads in using the form of negation (neti neti), points to ones identity with Siva; Dak?i?amurti, in which Siva, wearing the garments of a meditating young ascetic, t
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